Header Overview

Header (Default Option) 

The header at the top of each page should identify the website as being part of the University of Missouri. Our Header element has three components: the Ribbon, Masthead and Navigation. 

screen shot of header

The ribbon typically contains the University signature and is always linked back to the Mizzou homepage. If the Unit Signature will be used in the Masthead, then the University signature does not need to be included in the ribbon. A limited number of tactical links are available for placement within the ribbon. The search bar is mandatory.

Ribbon with University Signature 

ribbon with unit signature

(Inline Option) Ribbon without University Signature with Unit Signature in the Masthead 

ribbon without university signature

The Masthead contains the Unit Name or Unit Signature.  


mizzou admissions branded


career center

Unit Signature 

Novak Unit signature

Website navigation allows visitors to find content and features on a site.

Gold Bar (Simple with no dropdowns) 

gold bar simple navigation

Gold Bar (with simple dropdowns) 

gold bar navigation with drop downs


inline navigation

Mega menus (complex navigation needs) 

Mega menus show all child links for a section  

mega menu
mega menu
mega menu